Friday, October 18, 2019

body language

My body has been speaking to me lately. It's been whispering, "wake up" .. 
My 2 year old has been in agreement that I am a "big mama" and there's nothing more honest than a two year old. 
I'm not pitying myself though, I feel that I have the healthiest mindset that I've ever had about my body in my entire life to date. You might even venture to say that I am proud of this realization with the amount of calm I feel towards it.
I am giving myself grace in my journey though. It's not a race! This is a marathon journey. This is about the rest of my life. About being a strong woman, wife and mother. An example to my kids that if you want something,  you go after it. If you tell yourself I can do this then you definitely and most assuredly can. 
Part of the healthy mindset is the desire to be strong and healthy, rather than skinny and attractive. That's huge. I love myself because I know Jesus made me and He allowed me to carry and help form two beautifully intelligent babies. My husband loves me and makes me feel incredibly desirable even when I'm just at home, smeared makeup and sweatpants on. I am fully (more and more so) confident in who I am and not who I wish I was or want to be more like. I know I will be healthier and I feel mentally prepared for it. I'm not pushing myself into it. 
Perspective is key as well, this go around I seek to be mindful of what I put in my body. Unlike my past habits which would have been: mindless, starvation, binging and just "I don't care/I deserve to eat what I want". 
Okay, that's all for now. Happy dreaming folks. 

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